Ways To Make Time For Fitness!

When speaking to people who don’t exercise about why they don’t, the most common response is “I don’t have time”. Whilst time may be limited for most of us, there are ways of finding time in your day to exercise, you may just need to use your imagination!

1. Planning ahead

“The best way to make time for exercise is to have a written plan.” says Chris Evert, 18-time Grand Slam tennis champion. Decide on the best time for exercise in your schedule and enter it into your laptop or mobile phone calendar as a repeat event. This way it shows up daily and there’s less chance of you scheduling something during that time. Also, when you check your schedule in the morning, you’ll see it there and develop a mental picture of when and how you’ll be exercising that day, which helps you stay motivated.

2. The art of delegation

Reassess household chores such as, can the kids do laundry? Can your partner cook dinner? What professional tasks can you hand over to others, so you can get out for a walk on your lunch break or stop by the gym on the way home? Don’t think you’re the only one who can do all the things you’re currently doing. Look for things that could be done less often – or that might not need to get done at all so that you can free up more time.

3. Use money as motivation

Making a payment may provide you with the motivation you need to show up for the activity. Sign up for a yoga, book some sessions with a personal trainer, or sign up for a race or other athletic event that you’ll have to train for. Maybe organise for a babysitter to watch the kids while you go for a run or to a fitness class.

4. Think positively

Changing your negative self-talk patterns is a powerful way to support healthier lifestyle choices. For example, anytime you catch yourself thinking, “I am too busy to work out.” rephrase the thought in more positive, empowering terms, such as, “I choose to make my health and fitness a priority.” Or, “I do have time to fit in exercise”. Over time, those positive thought patterns will outweigh the negative thoughts, helping you to see your availability and possibilities more clearly.

5. Dating alternatives

We all aim to keep the spark alive or ignite a spark with a date/partner through going to the cinema, eating out, going for drinks etc. What if, you took your date/partner/love-interest to a cycling class or a ballroom dance lesson, went on a hike or a picnic, or kicked a Football around the park instead? The bonus of this too is that research shows that shared activity builds attraction!

6.Find what you enjoy

Don’t assume you are going to love Pilates just because your best friend loves it, she says. Instead, consider your lifestyle and personality to find the form of exercise that suits you. Once you understand your fitness personality, you’ll be able to identify activities you enjoy and squeezing them into your schedule won’t be nearly as taxing.

7.Press “play”

Exercise DVDs are cost-effective, flexible and can be done in the comfort of your own home. They allow you to stop and start your workouts based on real-life time constraints (For example, you can do washing whilst you exercise). Try Pilates, Yoga, Zumba and HIIT to find what you enjoy most.

8. Exercise with the family

If family obligations prevent you from fitting in regularly scheduled workouts, rope your gang into other types of group activities. Schedule family hikes, Football/Rugby games, after-dinner walks, bike rides or family trips to the gym. Let the kids suggest family-activity options and remember that exercise is something you’re doing for your family. It is also a good learning curve for the children, if they see their parents exercising it will promote it with them and hopefully stay with the children throughout their lives.

9. Take your gym kit with you

“As you’re packing for a business trip or holiday, make sure to include your workout clothes”, says tennis champ Chris Evert. “Just packing them signals to your brain that you intend to make time for exercise. Spend 20 minutes swimming laps or jogging on the hotel treadmill first thing in the morning,” she says. No gym or pool? Ask the front desk if they offer guest passes to a neighbourhood gym or exercise in your hotel room whilst watching the morning news.

10. Rise and shine

For most people, the day only gets more demanding and we get drained as it goes on. A solution to this is to exercise first thing in the morning so that you fit it in. Lay out your workout clothes the night before so that you don’t waste any time and can’t claim you forgot anything. Organisation can often be the key to success!

11. Ditch your ride

Whenever feasible, use the public transport links in your area or ride your bike to work or to complete your tasks for the day. If you can’t do it every day, try for once a week. People who take alternative transportation tend to get more exercise than daily car commuters.

12. Go hard

When your time is in short supply, focus on higher-payoff workouts. If you’re focused, there’s no reason you can’t get results doing shorter workouts. Kettlebell swings and slow-motion resistance training (consider buying resistance bands for home workouts). key is staying focused and maintaining a high intensity throughout the mini-workout session so that you get the maximum out of it.

13. Exercise while you wait

Many parents stand on the sidelines while their son/daughter is playing or training for whichever team they play for. Why not start taking your bike or your running shoes along so that you can get your daily fix of exercise in whilst your child does. It could be as simple as going for a jog, walk, bike ride or plan a short workout somewhere quiet nearby.

14. Socialise on the move

Next time a friend suggests meeting for lunch, dinner or drinks, counter with an activity-based invitation. How about joining you for a yoga class or a quick walk around the lake? Instead of spending time on the phone or emailing back and forth, suggest that you catch up on the latest news over a leisurely bike ride, or bond by trying an athletic pursuit, like indoor climbing, that neither of you has ever tried.

15. Active TV watching

When you do watch TV, make the most of it. Do some ball-crunches, planks, yoga poses, squats, lunges or push ups while you’re watching. Keep fitness equipment, such as a kettlebell, resistance bands and an exercise ball, near the TV. Or use the adverts to mix in brief cardio intervals. Run in place, maybe up and down the stairs or do some burpees or jumping jacks. Use the time and space wisely!